Kubernetes is an orchestration framework for containers that give you portability for managing containerized workloads and services in form of pods, there are two types of CLI commands -
Imperative - imperative commands are one-liners commands.
Declarative - declarative has some definition of objects in a file that a developer can refer it again.
There are different CLI tools that allow you to run commands against the Kubernetes cluster some of which I attempted to collect and put together as below.
kubectl auto-complete
echo "source <(kubectl
completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc
Initialize cluster
verify cluster-info
verify kluster + components
reset cluster
delete tunl0 iface
delete pods forcefully
deregister a node from the cluster
(Unscheduling enabled)
Scheduling enabled
add a taint to a node
remove a taint from a node label a node
kubeadm init
--apiserver-advertise-address=MASTERIP --pod-network-cidr=
kubectl cluster-info --minify
kubectl version --short && \
kubectl get componentstatus && \
kubectl get nodes --show-labels && \
kubectl cluster-info
kubeadm reset -f && rm -rf /etc/kubernetes/
modprobe -r ipip
kubectl delete pods --all -n kube-system --grace-period=0 --force
kubectl cordon nodeName
kubectl drain nodeName
kubectl drain nodeName --ignore-daemonsets --delete-local-data
kubectl delete node nodeName
kubectl uncordon nodeName
kubectl taint nodes node01 key1=value1:NoSchedule
kubectl taint nodes node01 key1=value1:NoSchedule- kubectl label nodes node01 key=value
setting namespace preference
validate current namespace
list everything in the cluster
kubectl config set-context
--current --namespace=<namespace-name>
kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
investigate any object
investigate kubelet service
kubectl describe
node/deployment/svc <objectName>
sudo journalctl -u kubelet
exposing deployment as a service
patch a svc from ClusterIP to NP
port forwarding in svc
scaling your deployment
use service deployed in other ns
kubectl expose deploy/web --type=NodePort
kubectl expose deploy/web --port=9443
--target-port=61002 --name=mysvc --type=LoadBalancer
kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec":
{"type": "NodePort"}}'
kubectl port-forward svc/my-service -n myNamespace 8080:443
kubectl proxy --port=61000 --address= --accept-hosts '.*' &
kubectl scale --current-replicas=3
--replicas=4 deployment/my-deployment
kubectl scale deployment/my-deployment
--replicas=2 -n my-namespace
Dns name:
all possible attributes of an obj
wide details of running pods
delete a pod forcefully
delete bulk rsrc from a namespace
kubectl explain pod --recursive
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl delete pod mypodName --grace-period=0 --force --namespace myNamespace
kubectl delete --all po/podName -n my-namespace
open a bash terminal in a pod
run shell command
kubectl exec -it podName -- bash
kubectl exec -it podName -- cat /etc/hosts
create a yaml manifest,
without sending it to the cluster
apply a folder of yaml files
validate a yaml
kubectl create deploy web --image=nginx --dry-run -o yaml > web.yaml [Imperative way]
kubectl apply -R -f .
kubectl create --dry-run=client --validate -f file.yaml
create a deployment edit deployment web runtime autoscale deployment rolling update validate the rollout undo the rollout
kubectl create deploy --image=nginx web --replicas=3 kubectl edit deploy/web kubectl autoscale deploy/web --min=2 --max=5 --cpu-percent=10 kubectl set image deploy/web web=regustry/web:2.0 kubectl rollout status deploy/web kubectl rollout undo deploy/web
passing configmap string
passing cm as a properties file
query health check endpoint
kubectl create configmap my-config
--from-literal=MESSAGE="hello from configmap”
kubectl create cm my-config --from-file=my.properties
curl -L http://localhost:8080/healthz
dump logs
kubectl logs podName
kubectl logs podName -c containerName
run kubectl against pods using xargs fetch 1st colmn from o/p of multi pods refine o/p with specific value
| kubectl get pods -o name | xargs -I{} kubectl exec {} -- command kubectl get pods -n ns | grep -v NAME | sed 's/\|/ /'|awk '{print $1}' kubectl get pods -n ns | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}' | cut -c8-14 |
Calculate max pods in an EC2 instance type | curl -O https://gist.githubusercontent.com/punitporwal07/4dccce3e51503b8fc786d754e64fbe6f/raw/0e4d130db82ee953ce9f93366a35b803cac39faa/max-pods-calculator.sh
chmod +x max-pods-calculator.sh
aws configure
./max-pods-calculator.sh --instance-type m5.large --cni-version 1.9.0-eksbuild.1 |