30 August 2016

A quick intro on Python

Programming in Python can be used for a wide variety of purposes, with strengths in scripting, automation, data analysis, machine learning, and back-end development. Suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.

There are two methods in software design

One is - write code so simple that there are obviously no bugs in it, Secondly - write code so complex that there are no obvious bugs in it 
- Tony Hoare

So what makes Python so amazing. Click here to Download

Automation for server maintenance
Cross-Platform apps
Android Development
  • Python doesn't require to include/call classes/functions all time like in Java
  • Python doesn't ask you to use delimit statement({}) to close blocks and statements
  • Python 2 and Python 3 can do exist on a single system
  • You don't have to declare data type in advance as we do in other languages
  • Python IDE is PyCharm
Data Types: Integers, strings, boolean
Flow Control: If
Loops: for, While & list
Dictionaries: resembles with json
Built-in Data types: topos, sets, frozenSets, complex.

Some sample python code to play around that you can try in an online compiler1 online compiler2

# Wages Cal. where you'll be paid £5/hr/wk and for every extra hour after 40hrs, £10/hr
hr = int(input( "enter working hour :" ))
nhr = hr - 40
if hr == 0:
  print ("no money made") 
elif hr < 1:
  print ("error") 
elif hr <= 40:
  print ( "You have earned", hr * 5 ,"Pounds")
elif hr > 168:
  print ("you cannot work more than 168hr in 1 wk") 
  print ("You have earned", nhr * 10 + 200,"Pounds") 

# Calculate your BMI

w = float(input("enter your weight in kg -" ))
h = float(input("enter you height in meter -"))

bmi = float( w/h**2)

print ("your BMI is", bmi) 

# Making a healthy connection with an API & printing its response & response code
import requests
res = requests.get("https://official-joke-api.appspot.com/random_joke")
print (res.json())
print ("response code is -", res.status_code)

# Pulling data from an open source COVID API which is in json
import requests
import json
res = requests.get('https://api.covid19india.org/state_district_wise.json')

# printing the response code
print("response code is -" , res.status_code)

# pull the data from the API
data = res.text

# parsing the data into json format
parse_json = json.loads(data)

# extract the data and print it
acase = parse_json['Madhya Pradesh']['districtData']['Bhopal']['active']
print("Active cases in one of the district of Madhya Pradesh is:", acase)

# A sample Python script to Check wls-server state in Linux environment
username = 'weblogic'
password = 'weblogic'
print "-------------------------------------------------------"
print "\t"+cmo.getName()+" domain status"
print "-------------------------------------------------------"
for server in servers:
print "-------------------------------------------------------" 

 // execute using java weblogic.WLST

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