APIs are gateway to your kubernetes cluster
Kind | apiVersion |
CertificateSigningRequest | certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1 |
ClusterRoleBinding | rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 |
ClusterRole | rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 |
ComponentStatus | v1 |
ConfigMap | v1 |
ControllerRevision | apps/v1 |
CronJob | batch/v1beta1 |
DaemonSet | extensions/v1beta1 |
Deployment | extensions/v1beta1 |
Endpoints | v1 |
Event | v1 |
HorizontalPodAutoscaler | autoscaling/v1 |
Ingress | extensions/v1beta1 |
Job | batch/v1 |
LimitRange | v1 |
Namespace | v1 |
NetworkPolicy | extensions/v1beta1 |
Node | v1 |
PersistentVolumeClaim | v1 |
PersistentVolume | v1 |
PodDisruptionBudget | policy/v1beta1 |
Pod | v1 |
PodSecurityPolicy | extensions/v1beta1 |
PodTemplate | v1 |
ReplicaSet | extensions/v1beta1 |
ReplicationController | v1 |
ResourceQuota | v1 |
RoleBinding | rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 |
Role | rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 |
Secret | v1 |
ServiceAccount | v1 |
Service | v1 |
StatefulSet | apps/v1 |
API versions with ‘alpha’ in their name are early candidates for new functionality coming into Kubernetes. These may contain bugs and are not guaranteed to work in the future.
‘beta’ in the API version name means that testing has progressed past alpha level, and that the feature will eventually be included in Kubernetes. Although the way it works might change, and the way objects are defined may change completely, the feature itself is highly likely to make it into Kubernetes in some form.
Those do not contain ‘alpha’ or ‘beta’ in their name. They are safe to use.
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