09 February 2021

How to achieve CI/CD in AWS

Setting up continuous integration and continuous deployment in AWS is as simple as three steps.
In this exercise, we will be using three managed services of aws and creating them using aws-CLI. 

CodeCommit - that will be used as code repository
Simple storage service S3 - that will host static data of our website
CodePipeline - that will do the CI/CD part for our website.


 Creating a CodeCommit a.k.a source repository of your code

 $ aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name s3-static
    "repositoryMetadata": {
        "accountId": "282795344735",
        "repositoryId": "73cde608-6602-4022-a5b7-3358db9fed4d",
        "repositoryName": "s3-static",
        "lastModifiedDate": "2021-06-09T12:00:38.560000+00:00",
        "creationDate": "2021-06-09T12:00:38.560000+00:00",
        "cloneUrlHttp": "https://git-codecommit.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/s3-static",
        "cloneUrlSsh": "ssh://git-codecommit.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/s3-static",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:codecommit:us-east-1:282795344735:s3-static"
 Adding your files to your repository
 $ aws codecommit put-file --repository-name s3-static --branch-name main 
   --file-content fileb://index.html --file-path index.html
    "commitId": "c2cca6e2c2338b8464a5182558ffabbe7aaf61a4",
    "blobId": "9a10b78d6e76725d27697165ca4b2a93069784de",
    "treeId": "c0a0fec37d59c41e507754c52330dcd000312915"


 Creating a S3 bucket where your static data of website will be stored

 $ aws s3 mb s3://static-website-bucket-2
 make_bucket: static-website-bucket-2 
    // By default, Block all public access is set to off


Creating a CodePipeline - Unlike the console, running the create-pipeline command in the AWS CLI does not have the option to create the CodePipeline service role for you.
So we have to stick with AWS-GUI in this section

Services > CodePipeline > create > name-pipeline arn:role > select-aws-code-commit > select-Your-Repo > branch-main > buildProvider-skip > deploymentProvider-Amazon S3 > give-region > select-bucket > check-Extract file before deploy > createPipeline

The moment you create the pipeline, codePipeline picks up the data from the source(codeCommit) and deploys it to Amazon S3 from where you can access your static site.

which you can check by navigating into your S3 bucket you will be able to see the website objects that will provide you object URL 
ex - https://static-website-bucket-2.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html 

next time you commit a change in CodeCommit, CodePipeline will detect the change and take a copy of your new code from CodeCommit, pushes to S3's codePipeline bucket codepipeline-us-east-1-47777091653 and updates your website code in your own S3 bucket.

 You can use aws-cli to update-commit your code as well
 $ aws codecommit put-file --repository-name s3-static --branch-name main 
   --file-content fileb://index.html --file-path index.html 
   --parent-commit-id 14de6fc0d6cb3ecefa840b04e98f56ccfcb55788 
   --name "punit" --email "punitporwal@gmail.com" 
   --commit-message "I added a new file."

    "commitId": "e76b6f98cfc0a60c1089654c560858361e7fb7df",
    "blobId": "24e39e8b94c620aedfd8f9e9cd3a39f76d25d92f",
    "treeId": "9f68a7142b705516a6226e007acd40501fcdaeae" 
 // where --parent-commit-id is your last commit-ID
    --name, --email & --commit-message are optional fields.

Alternatively in STEP 1 if we wish to change the code repository to GIT in place of CodeCommit, we can follow a similar approach, replacing codeCommit with GITHUB in the Source provider while creating a pipeline.

Services CodePipeline create > name-pipeline arn:role > Source provider select-Github > click-Connect-to-Github > choose-you-repository > branch-master > buildProvider-skip > deploymentProvider-Amazon S3 > give-region > select-bucket > check-Extract file before deploy > createPipeline

Detection mode
GitHub webhooks/AWS codePipeline automatically start your pipeline when a change occurs in the source code.

Deleting the resources to avoid any billing in aws using CLI

 Deleting file in repository 
 $ aws codecommit delete-file --repository-name s3-static --branch-name main 
   --file-path index.html 
   --parent-commit-id 0c7d16793dbe7c54b9eaff06bf4f9ca7aa593ed1

 Deleting repository 
 $ aws codecommit delete-repository --repository-name s3-static

 Deleting bucket and all its data
 $ aws s3 rb --force s3://static-website-bucket-2

 Deleting codePipeline
 $ aws codepipeline delete-pipeline --name static-website 


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