27 October 2023

Testing Ingress in Azure Kubernetes Service

If you are familiar with the Kubernetes ecosystem, you know we can use NGINX as an ingress controller to expose Kubernetes services on an static external/Public IP address. Azure Kubernetes Services provides the solution. In AKS, you have the option of installing your NGINX ingress controller(using helm) on an internal network. This ensures that your resources are only accessible on your internal network and that they can be accessed through an Express Route or a VPN connection.

The process of setting up Ingress in AKS can be summarized in following steps:%3CmxGraphModel%3E%3Croot%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%220%22%2F%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%220%22%2F%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%222%22%20value%3D%22%22%20style%3D%22sketch%3D0%3Bhtml%3D1%3Bdashed%3D0%3Bwhitespace%3Dwrap%3BfillColor%3D%232875E2%3BstrokeColor%3D%23ffffff%3Bpoints%3D%5B%5B0.005%2C0.63%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.1%2C0.2%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.9%2C0.2%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.5%2C0%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.995%2C0.63%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.72%2C0.99%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.5%2C1%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.28%2C0.99%2C0%5D%5D%3BverticalLabelPosition%3Dbottom%3Balign%3Dcenter%3BverticalAlign%3Dtop%3Bshape%3Dmxgraph.kubernetes.icon%3BprIcon%3Ding%3Bdirection%3Deast%3B%22%20vertex%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%221%22%3E%3CmxGeometry%20x%3D%221260%22%20y%3D%22930%22%20width%3D%2231%22%20height%3D%2230.53%22%20as%3D%22geometry%22%2F%3E%3C%2FmxCell%3E%3C%2Froot%3E%3C%2FmxGraphModel%3E%3CmxGraphModel%3E%3Croot%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%220%22%2F%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%220%22%2F%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%222%22%20value%3D%22%22%20style%3D%22sketch%3D0%3Bhtml%3D1%3Bdashed%3D0%3Bwhitespace%3Dwrap%3BfillColor%3D%232875E2%3BstrokeColor%3D%23ffffff%3Bpoints%3D%5B%5B0.005%2C0.63%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.1%2C0.2%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.9%2C0.2%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.5%2C0%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.995%2C0.63%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.72%2C0.99%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.5%2C1%2C0%5D%2C%5B0.28%2C0.99%2C0%5D%5D%3BverticalLabelPosition%3Dbottom%3Balign%3Dcenter%3BverticalAlign%3Dtop%3Bshape%3Dmxgraph.kubernetes.icon%3BprIcon%3Ding%3Bdirection%3Deast%3B%22%20vertex%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%221%22%3E%3CmxGeometry%20x%3D%221260%22%20y%3D%22930%22%20width%3D%2231%22%20height%3D%2230.53%22%20as%3D%22geometry%22%2F%3E%3C%2FmxCell%3E%3C%2Froot%3E%3C%2FmxGraphModel%3E

Step01 - create aks cluster and connect thru bastion host 
Step02 -
setup ingress and create static public IP
Step03 - 
Install Ingress Controller using helm
Step04 - Create an ingress route 

Step-01  Create an AKS Cluster from Bastion Host.

 - Verify you have the Microsoft.OperationsManagement and Microsoft.OperationalInsights providers registered on your subscription.
    (These Azure resource providers are required to support Container insights)
A resource group under which AKS cluster will be deployed.
 - Enable addon http_application_routing in case you do not have https enabled

 $ az provider show -n Microsoft.OperationsManagement -o table
$ az provider show -n Microsoft.OperationalInsights -o table

  Enable http_application_routing
 $ az aks enable-addons --resource-group test-networking-uksouth \
   --name aks-cluster --addons http_application_routing 

 $ az provider show -n Microsoft.ContainerService -o table

Presuming you have a resource group in place, proceed to create an AKS cluster now -

 $ az aks create -g test-networking-uksouth -n aks-cluster \
   --enable-managed-identity \
   --node-count 1 \
   --enable-addons monitoring \
   --enable-msi-auth-for-monitoring \

Next connect to AKS Cluster from Bastion Host -

 $ az login

 set the cluster subscription
 $ az account set --subscription bf687f81-fad1-48cb-b38c-b6e9b00a5cfe

 download cluster credentials
 $ az aks get-credentials --resource-group test-networking-uksouth --name aks-cluster

 install Kubectl
 $ curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.23.6/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
 $ chmod +x kubectl && mv kubectl /usr/bin/
 $ kubectl cluster-info

Setup Ingress 

Step-02 Create a static public IP -

 Get the resource group name of the AKS cluster that you need to update in subsequent comamnd 
 $ az aks show --resource-group test-networking-uksouth --name aks-cluster --query nodeResourceGroup -o tsv

 Create a public IP address with the static allocation &
 ASSOCIATE - Assign this Public IP to a Load Balancer & replace them
$ az network public-ip create \ --resource-group MC_test-networking-uksouth_aks-cluster_uksouth \ --name myAKSPublicIPForIngress \ --sku Standard \ --allocation-method static \ --query publicIp.ipAddress -o tsv  ex- o/p -
Step-03: Install Ingress Controller using helm

 Install Helm3 (if not installed)

 $ wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.10.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz 
 $ tar -zxvf helm-v3.0.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
 $ sudo cp -rp linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/

 Create a namespace for your ingress resources
 $ kubectl create namespace ingress-basic

 Add the official stable repository
 $ helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
 $ helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable
 $ helm repo update

 Customizing the Chart Before Installing.
 $ helm show values ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

 Use Helm to deploy an NGINX ingress controller & Replace with your static IP
 $ helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
   --namespace ingress-basic \
   --set controller.image.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false \
   --set controller.replicaCount=2 \
   --set controller.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
   --set defaultBackend.nodeSelector."kubernetes.io/os"=linux \
   --set controller.service.externalTrafficPolicy=Local \
   --set controller.service.loadBalancerIP="" 

 ex - o/p -
 The ingress-nginx controller has been installed.
 It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available.
 You can watch the status by running 
 'kubectl --namespace ingress-basic get services -o wide -w ingress-nginx-controller'

List services with labels

 $ kubectl get service -l app.kubernetes.io/name=ingress-nginx --namespace ingress-basic

 List Pods
 $ kubectl get pods -n ingress-basic
 $ kubectl get all -n ingress-basic

Access Public IP like - http://<Public-IP-created-for-Ingress>
ex - 

Output should be -    404 Not Found from Nginx
ex -

Verify Load Balancer on Azure Mgmt Console

    Primarily refer Settings -> Frontend IP Configuration

Setup DNS

First go to your public IP address & configure it | DNS record first to associate with your public IP address
- create DNS zone - sampleapp.com in your resource-group
- create alias record - my.sampleapp.com
- add DNS name label - sampleapp1 which will become DNS

the DNS will look like - http://sampleapp1.uksouth.cloudapp.azure.com/

Step04 - create an ingress route

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  namespace: ingress-basic
  name: sampleapp-ing
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: addon-http-application-routing
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /static/$2
  ingressClassName: alb
# - host: sampleapp1.uksouth.cloudapp.azure.com // <DNSentryofPublicIP>
    - http:
        - path: /
          pathType: Prefix
              name: sampleapp-svc
                number: 80

Test ingress by deploying a sample application

 $ kubectl create deployment sampleapp --image=punitporwal07/sampleapp:3.0 -n ingress-basic

Known issues -

Issue1 -
on running kubectl get pods -n ingress-basic you might observer that the ingress deployment fails to schedule pods and see following errors in the namespace events.

Error creating: admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request:
 [azurepolicy-k8sazurev3noprivilegeescalatio-b740f48149d00f4a06d8] Privilege escalation container is not allowed: controller

Solution1 -
This is due to the fact that when we create privileged pods if there is a azure policy attached, it will block the container creation.

Dashboard > cluster > Policies > look for below policy, if present install controller with following tag -

 --set controller.image.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false

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