b. CodeDeploy - automate code deployments
c. CodePipeline - service that deploy, build & test your code
a1. Services > IAM > Users > User > Permission > Attach existing policy > AWSCodeCommitPowerUser
a2. Services > IAM > Users > User > Security credentials > HTTPS Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit > Generate credentials
from any host having git installed, do the following
$ git clone 'clone-https-url'
// it will prompt for credentials here
pass the same cred, that you have generated in step a2
$ cd repository-directory
$ vi index.html $ vi appspec.yml
$ git status
$ git add index.html appspec.yaml
$ git status
$ git commit -m 'initial commit'
$ git push origin master // it will connect via https url and push the file to MyRepo
$ git log // validate push
first setup roles for codeDeploy
b1. Services > IAM > Roles > CreateRole > EC2 > AmazonEC2RoleforAWSCodeDeploy
create Role2
b2. Services > IAM > Roles > CreateRole > codeDeploy > AWSCodeDeployRole
create an application
b3. services > codeDeploy > createApp on Ec2
create appDeploymentGroup > name-myappgrp > servicerole-codedeploy-role2 > D-type-In-place > env-config-Amazon-EC2 > add-tag > choose-target-group > createDeploymentGroup
Services > CodePipeline > create > name-pipeline arn:role> source-CodeCommit > connect/authorize > select-RepoCreatedInStep a3 > branch-Master > Detection-aws-codePipeline > buildProvider-skipBuildStage > deploymentProvider-AWS CodeDeploy > App-myApp > D-Group-myappgrp > createPipeline
Services > CodePipeline > create > name-pipeline arn:role> source-GitHub > connect/authorize > Add Git-Repo > branch-Main > detection-aws-codePipeline-ec2 > buildProvider- skip build stage > deploymentProvider-AWS CodeDeploy > App-myApp > D-Group-myappgrp > createPipeline
Note: On creating a deployment group you are required to choose your deployment & environment type that's where you will deploy your application, in this exercise I choose to deploy on Amazon EC2 instance using Tag value.
At this stage, you should be able to access your application deployed on the EC2 instance using aws CodeCommit/Git > CodePipeline > S3 > CodeDeploy > EC2 instance
In order to use Jenkins, connect to your Jenkins and do the following
Install the listed plugins from Manage Plugins section of Jenkins & Restart jenkinsGitHub Integration AWS CodePipeline
AWS CodeDeploy
AWS CodeBuild
Http Request
File Operations
Blue Ocean // for new Jenkins UI
- Create a new Freestyle Project
- Add your Source Code Management
- Choose Git, provide repository URL.
- For Build Trigger select Poll SCM to add "H/2 * * * *" in Schedule.
- Under Build Environment, select Delete workspace before build starts check box.
- Under Build actions select AWS CodeBuild. On the AWS Configurations, choose Manually specify access and secret keys and provide the keys.
- Project Configuration - Provide Region, Project Name, choose Use Jenkins source & leave everything blank.
- Add the second Build step and choose File operation (To make sure that all files cloned from the GitHub repository are deleted) Click Add and select File Delete and give '*' under include file pattern.
- Add the third Build step and choose Http request and give S3 URI till your zip file. ex: http://s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/s3-bucket-2021/code-artifact.zip
Ignore SSL error - yes - Under HTTP Request, choose Advanced and leave Authorization, Headers & Body to default values.
- Under Response, for Output response to file, enter the code-artifact.zip file name.
- Add fourth Build step as File operation with 2 substeps - Unzip & File Delete and provide code-artifact.zip to include as zip file & file pattern in file Delete.
- On the Post-build Actions, choose Add post-build actions and select the Deploy an application to AWS CodeDeploy check box and provide values
CodeDeploy App Name
CodeDeploy AppGrp Name
Your AWS Region - at last choose Deploy Revision
- choose wait for deployment to finish?