19 January 2021

Acheive CI/CD using AWS managed resources & with Jenkins

AWS provides the flexibility to set up pipelines using the below three services to achieve continuous integration and continuous deployment a.k.a CI/CD

a. CodeCommit/Git -  store code in aws codeCommit or a private git repositories.
b. CodeDeploy - automate code deployments
c. CodePipeline - service that deploy, build & test your code

a. Set up Codecommitwhich will be used for version controlling and a useful tool during CI/CD
The first thing is to get the required permissions for the user, setup aws-credentials for your aws environments & then create a repository

a1. Services IAM Users > User Permission > Attach existing policyAWSCodeCommitPowerUser
a2. Services > IAM > Users > User > Security credentials > HTTPS Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit > Generate credentials
a3. Services > codecommit > create a repo(MyRepo) > cloneURL via Https

 from any host having git installed, do the following
 $ git clone 'clone-https-url'
 // it will prompt for credentials here
 pass the same cred, that you have generated in step a2 
 $ cd repository-directory
$ vi index.html
 $ vi appspec.yml
 $ git status
 $ git add index.html appspec.yaml
 $ git status
 $ git commit -m 'initial commit'
 $ git push origin master // it will connect via https url and push the file to MyRepo
 $ git log // validate push

this completes the repository setup with a simple source code

b. Set up CodeDeploy to deploy an App: to automate the deployments and adding new features continuously, first is to add 2 roles for codeDeploy for instance.

first setup roles for codeDeploy

create Role1
b1. Services > IAM > Roles > CreateRole > EC2 > AmazonEC2RoleforAWSCodeDeploy
create Role2
b2. Services > IAM > Roles > CreateRole > codeDeploy AWSCodeDeployRole
create an application
b3. services > codeDeploy > createApp on Ec2
create appDeploymentGroup > name-myappgrp > servicerole-codedeploy-role2 > D-type-In-place > env-config-Amazon-EC2 > add-tag > choose-target-group > createDeploymentGroup

c. Set up CodePipelineto deploy code from CodeCommit
Services CodePipeline create name-pipeline arn:rolesource-CodeCommit connect/authorize > select-RepoCreatedInStep a3 > branch-Master Detection-aws-codePipeline > buildProvider-skipBuildStage > deploymentProvider-AWS CodeDeploy  App-myApp > D-Group-myappgrp > createPipeline

once the pipeline is created it will connect to the source & start deploying the code present in codecommit, and apear as below -

Similarly, you can use GitHub also as a source provider 

Set up CodePipelineto deploy code from GitHub
Services > CodePipeline > create > name-pipeline arn:role> source-GitHub > connect/authorize > Add Git-Repo > branch-Main > detection-aws-codePipeline-ec2 > buildProvider- skip build stage > deploymentProvider-AWS CodeDeploy App-myApp > D-Group-myappgrp > createPipeline

once the pipeline is created it will connect to the source Git this time & start deploying the code present in Github, and apear as below -

Note: On creating a deployment group you are required to choose your deployment & environment type that's where you will deploy your application, in this exercise I choose to deploy on Amazon EC2 instance using Tag value.

At this stage, you should be able to access your application deployed on the EC2 instance using aws CodeCommit/Git > CodePipeline > S3 > CodeDeployEC2 instance

In order to use Jenkins, connect to your Jenkins and do the following

 Install the listed plugins from Manage Plugins section of Jenkins & Restart jenkins

GitHub Integration AWS CodePipeline
 AWS CodeDeploy
 AWS CodeBuild
 Http Request
 File Operations
 Blue Ocean // for new Jenkins UI

Time to create a Jenkins Job
  • Create a new Freestyle Project
  • Add your Source Code Management
  • Choose Git, provide repository URL.
  • For Build Trigger select Poll SCM to add "H/2 * * * *" in Schedule.
  • Under Build Environment, select Delete workspace before build starts check box.
  • Under Build actions select AWS CodeBuild. On the AWS Configurations, choose Manually specify access and secret keys and provide the keys. 
  • Project Configuration - Provide Region, Project Name, choose Use Jenkins source & leave everything blank.
  • Add the second Build step and choose File operation (To make sure that all files cloned from the GitHub repository are deleted) Click Add and select File Delete and give '*' under include file pattern.
  • Add the third Build step and choose Http request and give S3 URI till your zip file. ex: http://s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/s3-bucket-2021/code-artifact.zip
    Ignore SSL error - yes
  • Under HTTP Request, choose Advanced and leave Authorization, Headers & Body to default values. 
  • Under Response, for Output response to file, enter the code-artifact.zip file name.
  • Add fourth Build step as File operation with 2 substeps - Unzip & File Delete and provide code-artifact.zip to include as zip file & file pattern in file Delete.
  • On the Post-build Actions, choose Add post-build actions and select the Deploy an application to AWS CodeDeploy check box and provide values
    CodeDeploy App Name
    CodeDeploy AppGrp Name
    Your AWS Region
  • at last choose Deploy Revision
       - choose wait for deployment to finish?
you should be able to access your application deployed on the EC2 instance using CI/CD flow.


10 June 2018

Integrating Jenkins with GitHub

In this exercise, we are going to integrate Github with Jenkins using webhook that triggers an event
every time you commit a change in your code residing in your GitHub repository to invoke a job in your Jenkins.

To start with, you should be having the following in place.

a. A Github account with a code repository 
b. Jenkins up and running
c. Github plugin for integration with Jenkins

First, we going to create a webhook from our code repository by navigating

GitHub > your-code-repository > settings > webhooks > Add webhook 

add Payload URL - https://jenkinsUrl:8080/github-webhook/
Content type - choose application/json
Secret - you can leave this field blank
Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? - Select - Just the push event
Check the Active box - this will deliver the first payload to test the provided URL
Add webhook

Now come to Jenkins are create a freestyle project by navigating

Jenkins > new Item > item name > Freestyle project > OK

select Github project, and give project URL - https://github.com/punitporwal07/aws-codedeploy-linux/
for Source code management, select git and give repository URL - https://github.com/punitporwal07/aws-codedeploy-linux.git
Keep Branch Specifier as - */master
Under Build Triggers - check GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling

that's it. Now make a code commit in your git repo, the webhook associated with your repository detects the change and trigger a payload to your Jenkins job which you created in the above step.

you will be able to see the console output of your build as below


16 February 2018

Configuring weblogic deployer plugin in Jenkins

Configure the WebLogic deployer plugin to Deploy an war/ear  on a weblogic managed server

- Install the plugin (from manage Jenkins > manage plugins > available > download & install)- restart the Jenkins for changes to take reflect
- go to manage Jenkins
- go to configure systems
- scroll down to WebLogic deployment plugins
- give details as below:                                  
        - additional path: /software/bea/jenkins/wlfullclient.jar (path to you wlfullclient.jar file, weblogic.jar is deprecated now and Oracle recommends using wlfullclient.jar from 10.3 onwards, this jar can be created from $WL_HOME/wl_server10.3/servers/lib/java -jar wljarbuilder.jar for more check Oracle Doc on this.
        - configuration file: /software/bea/jenkins/configuration.xml (path to your configuation.xml file)
        - apply/save
- sample configuration.xml file may look like -

modify the highlighted tags as per your local configuration

and run the Jenkins job, it will deploy the application on WebLogic managed server defined in your config file.

11 February 2018

JENKINS: a continuous integration tool

Getting started with Jenkins is 3 step process:

- Install Jenkins
- Download the required plugins
- Configure the plugins & create a project

# Installing Jenkins in Ubuntu
$ wget -q -O - https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io.key | sudo apt-key add - $ sudo sh -c 'echo deb http://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable binary/ \
  > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install jenkins
  //this will automatically start Jenkins

# Installing Jenkins in AWS-EC2
$ sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo https://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat/jenkins.repo
$ sudo rpm --import https://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat/jenkins.io.key
$ sudo yum install -y jenkins
$ sudo yum install java -y
$ sudo service jenkins start
$ chkconfig jenkins on

# If your /etc/init.d/jenkins file fails to start jenkins then,
edit the /etc/default/jenkins to replace the HTTP_PORT=8080 to HTTP_PORT=8081
$ cd /var/share/jenkins/
$ java -jar jenkins.war // this will setup a new jenkins from begining

# I prefer to use below, this will start old jenkins without any delay
$ service jenkins restart

# Running docker container of Jenkins
$ docker pull punitporwal07/jenkins
$ docker run -d -p 8081:8080 -v jenkins-data:/software/jenkins punitporwal07/jenkins:tag
  to understand this command in brief check here: Docker

# Depending on configs to system, jenkins file structure may vary -

Useful Plugins
you can push from manage plugins tab/ push from back-end into plugins dir
- Build pipeline: to chain multiple jobs
- Delivery pipeline: this will visualize deliver pipelines (upstream/downstream)
- Weblogic deployer: this is used to deploy a jar/war/ear to any weblogic target
- Deploy to container: to deploy war/ear to a tomcat/glassfish container
Roles strategy: this plugin allows you to assign roles to the different user of jenkins

Automate deployment on Tomcat using Jenkins pipeline
(benefits.war as an example on tomcat 8.x for Linux)
- install Deploy to container plugin, restart Jenkins to reflect changes
- create a new project/workspace & select post-build action as- Deploy war/ear to a container
- add properties as below:-
   - war/ear files: **/*.war
   - context path: benefits.war (provided you need to push this war file into your workspace)
   - select container from the drop-down list: tomcat 8.x
   - Add credentials: tomcat/tomcat (provided you have added this user in conf/tomcat-user.xml with all the required roles)
   - Tomcat URL: http://localhost:8080/
- apply/save your project and build it to validate the result.

Automate deployment on Weblogic using Jenkins pipeline
(benefits.war as an example on Weblogic 10.3.6)
- install Weblogic deployer plugin, restart jenkins to reflect changes
- configure the plugin,
- create new project/workspace
- Add post-build action as- Deploy the artefact to any weblogic environment (if no configuration has been set, the plugin will display an error message, else it will open up a new window)
- add properties as below:-
   - Task Name: give any task name
   - Environment: from the drop-down list select your AdminServer ( provided you have created configuration.xml and added it to Weblogic deployer Plugin)
   - Name: The name used by the WebLogic server to display the deployed component
   - Base directory of deployment: give the path to your deployment.war or push it to your workspace and leave it blank
   - Built resource to deploy: give your deployment.war name
   - Targets: give target name
- Apply/save your project and build it to validate the result.

Possible failure of your Jenkins jobs
Problem - Jenkins: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Solution - Navigate to your Jenkins project, click configure.
Scroll down to the Build section of the page to the Build Step with your plugin title:
Click Advanced…
In the System/Java Options field, add the following parameter
JAVA_ARGS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
This will assign 2Gi of memory to you build.
