03 May 2019

Multi-stage build in Docker

Multi-stage build allows multiple FROM statements in a Dockerfile. The instructions follow each FROM statement until the next one & create an intermediate image. The final FROM statement is the absolute base image.
Artifacts from intermediate stages can be copied using COPY --from='stageName' starting from 0 for the first base image. The artifacts not copied over are discarded. This keeps the final image light and only includes the relevant artifacts.

FROM syntax is updated to specify stage name using 'as' 
This allows using the stage name instead of the number with --from option

let's take a look at a sample Dockerfile:

 FROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as build
 COPY src /usr/src/myapp/src
 COPY pom.xml /usr/src/myapp
 RUN mvn -f /usr/src/myapp/pom.xml clean package

 FROM jboss/wildfly:10.1.0 Final
COPY --from=build /usr/src/myapp/target/people-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war \

In this Dockerfile:

There are two FROM instructions. This means it is a two-stage build.
maven:3.5-jdk-8 is the base image for the first build. This is used to build the WAR file for the application. The first stage is named as build.
jboss/wildfly:10.1.0.Final is the second and the final base image for the build. WAR file generated in the first stage is copied over to this stage using COPY --from syntax. The file is directly copied in the WildFly deployments directory.


21 January 2019

what is docker-compose

When you wish to run services together and want to run them as single unit then docker-compose is the tool for you, which allows you to run multiple services as kind of microservice by defining them in a single configuration file.
  • docker-compose is a docker tool for defining and running multi containers docker applications.
  • docker-compose allows us to define all the services in a configuration file and with one command it will spin up all the containers that we need.
  • it uses yaml files to configure application services (docker-compose.yml)
  • it uses a single command to start and stop all the services (docker-compose up & docker-compose down)
  • it can scale up services whenever required.
by default, this tool is automatically installed when you are on windows or mac with docker v1.12+

but if you are on Linux try this command given at GitHub for docker-compose

$ curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.23.2/docker-compose \
-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

alternatively you can find the latest version available here at github

docker-compose.yml prototype will look like:


version: first thing first define version of the docker-compose that we are using, there is no restrictions of not to use latest version of compose so I have used '3' here

version: '3'

services: service definition contains configuration which will be applied to each container started for that service, much like passing a command-line parameter to docker run

version: ‘3’
image: punitporwal07/apache
- “9090:80” database:
image: mysql
ports: - “4041:3306” environment:

so instead of defining items in the docker run command, now we can define it more easily in the configuration file here but with a little bit of syntax

now launch the service using a simple command docker-compose up and it will spin up MySQL and apache in fractions of minutes for you.


20 January 2019

All about Docker swarm

There is always a requirement to run every individual service without failover and load balancing. When this comes to container services docker swarm comes into the picture.
Docker swarm is a cluster of docker containers and provide a container orchestration framework like k8s, nomad and apache mesos.
  • comprises of managers and workers
  • managers are also known as workers
  • there will be only one manager as a leader, other managers will act as a backup
  • as a pre-requisite, your docker version should be on 1.12+

  # to initiate docker swarm
  $ docker swarm init --advertise-addr ManagerIP:2377 --listen-addr ManagerIP:swarmListenPort

2377 - is the default port for swarm - is my Manger node IP
addvertise-addr - will let swarm manager to use specific IP:PORT. 

[root@Manager1]# docker swarm init --advertise-addr --listen-addr
Swarm initialized: current node (icuih1r0n8juo8xigkceniu3j) is now a manager.
 To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:

    docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-15z6ejowo...63dn550as-7998mw9sxnh3ig

 To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.

 [root@Manager1]# docker node ls
 icuih1r0n8juo8xigkceniu3j *  docker    Ready   Active        Leader

the highlighted command is the exact command that we need to run on a worker/manager that you wanna join to this swarm, it includes a token

[root@Manager1]# docker swarm join-token manager
 To add a manager to this swarm, run the following command:

    docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-15z6ejowow...63dn550as-9wiyb3pyiviqik

 [root@Worker1]# docker swarm join-token worker
 To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:

    docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-15z6ejowow...63dn550as-7998mw9sxnh3ig

following the above command to join leader as worker/manager, launch another ec2 instance or any with docker 1.12+ in it and

 $ docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-15z6ejowow53...63dn550as-9wiyb3pyiviqik

you will see all the workers/managers you have joined with your swarm from the Leader node as:

 [root@Manager1]# docker node ls
 25nwmw5eg7a5ms4ch93aw0k03    Worker3   Ready   Active
 icuih1r0n8juo8xigkceniu3j *  Manager1  Ready   Active        Leader
 5pm9f2pzr8ndijqkkblkgqbsf    Worker2   Ready   Active
 9yq4lcmfg0382p39euk8lj9p4    Worker1   Ready   Active

 # docker info will give you a detailed info on your swarm
 [root@Manager1]# docker info
 Containers: 12
 Running: 0
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 12
 Images: 1
 Server Version: 1.13.1
 Storage Driver: aufs
 Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
 Backing Filesystem: extfs
 Dirs: 54
 Dirperm1 Supported: true
 Logging Driver: json-file
 Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Volume: local
 Network: bridge host macvlan null overlay
 Swarm: active
 NodeID: icuih1r0n8juo8xigkceniu3j
 Is Manager: true
 ClusterID: hpvfpcevwt8144bj65yk744q8
 Managers: 1
 Nodes: 6
 Node Address:
 Manager Addresses:

now creating a SERVICE and running it on docker swarm
(the whole idea of setting this orchestration layer is, we don't need to worry about our app as where it is running but it will be up for the whole time)

$ docker serivce create | update | ls | ps | inspect | rm
$ docker service update -image=punitporwal07/apache:2.0 --detach=true apache $ docker service scale >> docker service update --replicas $ docker service scale Name=7 $ docker service ps Name
$ docker network create -d overlay pp-net
$ docker service create --name myswarmapp -p 9090:80 punitporwal07/apache rvzrpe4szt0vdyqte7g7tfshs

by doing this, any time when you gonna hit your exposed port for service to any host/IP in swarm it will give you your application, without having its container running on it. (service will be running only on leader/manager1)

accessing the service now:

NOTE: after advertising listen address to the docker swarm, you may get an error next time when you try to initialize the docker daemon. (if you are using dynamic IP)

# below two files hold your IP and failed to initialize docker-daemon
/var/lib/docker/swarm/docker-state.json /var/lib/docker/swarm/state.json

# sample error message
ERRO[0001] cluster exited with error: failed to listen on remote API
address: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address
FATA[0001] Error creating cluster component: swarm component could
not be started: failed to listen on remote API address: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address

change the IP and initialize it again

  $ service docker restart


24 January 2018

Networking in docker

Docker works on the principle of running containers as a service, when you run a container it has its own attributes like namespace ip-address port etc. These attributes are allocated to containers by docker daemon at run time. There are ways to control this behaviour like creating namespaces of your choice at the time of launching them.

Same way when it comes to IP addresses you can create your own docker network which can give a static ip to your container or its underline service. 

docker comes with 5 kinds of networking drivers:

bridge: when you want to communicate between standalone containers.
overlay: to connect multiple Docker daemons together and enable swarm services to communicate with each other.
host: For standalone containers, remove network isolation between the container and the Docker host. 
macvlan: Allow you to assign a MAC address to container, making it appear as a physical device on your network.
none: disables all networking.

by default, the bridge is the default driver that got created when you launch any of the containers as a service.

How one can create its own docker network as per requirement 

the syntax to create a network is : 

$ docker network create --options networkname

few widely used options are:

--driver drivername

for example, assigning static IP out of your CIDR block

 $ docker network create --driver overlay --subnet= --gateway= my-network

additionally you can use this created network for your container at the time of its launch

for example:

 $ docker run --publish 61000:1414 --publish 61001:9443 --net my-network --ip --detach --env
  MY_APP_PASSWORD=password punitporwal07/apache:2.2.29

this way your container will be allocated with a static IP within your defined subnet range.


 when you expose a port from Dockerfile that means 
 you are mapping a port defined in your image to your newly launched container, use:
 $ docker run -d -p 5001:80 --name=contaniername imagename

 when you want to change the protocol from default i.e TCP to UDP, use:
 $ docker run -d -p 5001:80/udp --name=continername imagename

 let's say when you want to expose your image port to any specific IP address from your host, use:
 $ docker run -d -p --name=contaniername myimagename

 when you want to map multiple ports exposed in your Dockerfile to high random available ports, use:
 $ docker run -d -P --name=contaniername imagename

 to expose a port range, use:
 $ docker run -it -p 51000-51006:51000-51006 imagename:tag

        also you can use EXPOSE 51000-51006 in your Dockerfile

 to check port mapping, use:
 $ docker port imagename

23 November 2017

Docker: Containerization Tool

Docker allows you to encapsulate your application, operating system and hardware configuration into a
single unit to run it anywhere.
It's all about applications and every application requires much of Infrastructure, which is a massive waste of resources since it utilizes very less % of it. I mean with Physical Machine/ram/CPU results heavy loss of cost & bla blah.. hence Hypervisor/Virtualization came into the picture, where we use shared resources on top of a single physical machine and create multiple VMs to utilize more from it but still not perfect.
Docker is the solution to the above problem, it can containerize your requirement & works on the principle of layered images.

working with docker is as simple as three steps:
  • Install Docker-engine
  • Pull the image from HUB/docker-registry
  • Run image as a container/service

How containers evolved over Virtualization
-In the virtual era, you need to maintain guest OS on the host OS in form of virtualization which boots up in minutes or so.
whereas containers bypass gust OS from host OS in containerization & boots up in a fraction of seconds
- It is not replacing virtualization, it is just the next step in evolution (more advanced)

What is docker?
Docker is a containerization platform that can bundle up technologies and packages your application and all its dependencies together in the form of an image which further you run as a service called container so as to ensure that your application will work in any environment be it Dev/Test/Prod

Point to remember
  • docker images are the read-only template & used to run containers
  • There is always a base image on which you layer up your requirement
  • the container is the actual running instance of the images
  • we always create images and run containers using images
  • we can pull images from the image registry/hub can be public/private
  • docker daemon runs on the host machine
  • docker0 is not a normal interface | Its a Bridge | Virtual Switch | that links multiple containers
  • Docker images are registered in the image registry & stored in the image hub
  • Docker hub is docker's own cloud repository (for sharing & caring purpose of images)
The essence of docker: if you are new to any technology and want to work on it, get its image from the docker hub configure it, work on it, destroy it, then you can move the same image to another environment and run as it is out there.   
key attribute of kernel used by containers
  • Namespaces (PID, net, mountpoint, user) Provides Isolation
  • cgroups (control groups)
  • capabilities ( assigning privileges to container users)
  • but each container shares common Kernel
how communication happens b/w docker client & docker daemon
  • Rest API
  • Socket.IO
  • TCP

Dockerfile supports the following list of variables

FROM       image:tag AS name
ADD        ["src",... "dest"]
COPY       /src/ dest/
ENV        ORACLE_HOME=/software/Oracle/
EXPOSE     port, [port/protocol]
LABEL      multi.label1="value1" multi.label2="value2" other="value3"
VOLUME     /myvolume
WORKDIR    /locationof/directory/
RUN        write your shell command
CMD        ["executable","param1","param2"]
ENTRYPOINT ["executable","param1","param2"] (exec form, preferred)
ENTRYPOINT command param1 param2 (shell form)
ENTRYPOINT script ; /bin/bash

How RUN | ENTRYPOINT | CMD differ from each other
RUN is built time instructions used to add layers to images & to install apps

ENTRYPOINT is not mandatory to use, it cannot be overridden at run-time with normal commands like docker run command. Any command passed to ENTRYPOINT is treated as first-ever command of that container.

CMD only executes at runtime. It executes commands in container at launch time equivalent of docker run <args> <command>. It can be used only once per Dockerfile
Shell form/commands are expressed the same way as a shell command. Commands get prepended by "/bin/sh -c" | variable expansion etc.
Exec form | json array style - ["command", "arg1"]
container don't need a shell | no variable expansion | no special characters(&&,||, <>)

Some arguments which you can use while running any docker Image

$ docker run -it --privileged image:tag
--privileged will give all capabilities to the container and lifts all the limitations enforced by OS/device, even you can run docker inside docker with it.

Installing docker-engine onto any Ubuntu system

$ sudo apt-get update -y && apt-get install docker.io # this will install docker-engine as a Linux service. Check engine status by running $ service docker status // else $ service docker start

check docker details installed in your system by running any of these commands

$ docker -v | docker version | docker info

Docker needs root to work for the creation of Namespaces/cgroups/etc..

$ ls -l /var/run/docker.sock
srw-rw---- 1 root docker 0 Jun 21 06:43 /var/run/docker.sock

so you need to add your local user to docker group (verify docker group from /etc/group and add your user as:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# restart your session

# Alternatively add your user to the docker group
$ vi /etc/group
# append $USER to docker group and start using docker with your user now

# if fails with -

level=error msg="'overlay' is not supported over btrfs" level=fatal msg="Error starting daemon: error initializing graphdriver:
Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.

it appears that the underline storage defined in daemon.json is not supported
remove the above file and clear the /var/lib/docker/*
restart the docker service

Basic commands

pull a docker imagedocker pull reponame:imagename:tag
run an image
docker run parameters imagename:tag
removing all the images for a specific registrydocker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | grep "registry.docker.com" | xargs -I {} docker rmi {}
list running containers
list container even not running
docker ps Filter

docker ps
docker ps -a

docker ps --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}"
build an imagedocker build -t imagename:tag .
remove n processes in one command
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) // for older versions
docker container prune -f // for newer versions
remove n images in one commanddocker rmi $(docker image -a -q)                                                               
reset docker systemdocker system prune
create mount docker volume create
using mount point
docker run -it -p 8001-8006:7001-7006 --mount type=bind, source=/software/, target=/software/docker/data/ registry.docker/weblogic12213:191004
docker run -it -p 8001-8006:7001-7006
-v data:/software/ registry.docker/weblogic1036:191004
create network                    docker network create --driver bridge --subnet= --gateway= mynetwork
docker run -it -p 8001:8006:7001:7006 
--network=mynetwork registry.docker/weblogic1036:191004         
for more on networkingclick here: networking in docker 

As an exercise lets attempt to setup Jenkins via Docker on a Linux machine

Open a terminal window and run(Provided Docker is already installed)
$ docker pull punitporwal07/jenkins
$ docker container run --rm -d -p 9090:8080 -v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home/ punitporwal07/jenkins
docker run : default command to run any docker container
--rm : this will remove the docker container as soon as process exits
-d : run the container in detached mode(in background) and omit the container ID
-p : port assignation from image to you local setup -p host-port:container-port
-v : Jenkins data to be mapped to /var/Jenkins_home/ directory/volume to one of your file system
punitporwal07/jenkins: docker will pull this image from your image registry

it will process for 2-3 mins then prompt as:

INFO: Jenkins is fully up and running
to access the jenkins console( http://localhost:9090 ) for the first time you need to provide admin password to make sure it was installed by admin only. & it will prompt admin password during the installation process as something like:
This may also be found at: /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword

here we are running Jenkins inside docker as a detached container you can use:
$ docker logs to collect jenkins logs
if we select to install recommended plugins which are most useful, Jenkins by default will install

Best practice to write a Dockerfile
best practice is to build a container first, run all the instructions one by one that you are planning to put in a Dockerfile. Once they got succeed you can put them in your Dockerfile, which will avoid you building n images from your Dockerfile again and again and save image layers as well.

Writing a docker File: ( FROM COPY RUN CMD)

a Container runs on level of images:
            base image
            layer1 image
            layer2 image

Dockerfiles are simple text files with a command on each line.
To define a base image we use the instruction FROM 

Creating a Dockerfile
  • The first line of the Dockerfile should be FROM nginx:1.11-alpine (it is better to use exact version rather then writing it as latest, as it can deviate your desired version)
  • COPY allows you to copy files from the directory containing the Dockerfile to the container's image. This is extremely useful for source code and assets that you want to be deployed inside your container.
  • RUN allows you to execute any command as you would at a command prompt, for example installing different application packages or running a build command. The results of the RUN are persisted to the image so it's important not to leave any unnecessary or temporary files on the disk as these will be included in the image & it will create a image for each command
  • CMD is used to execute any single command as soon as container launch

Life of a docker Image

write a Dockerfile > build the image > tag the image > push it to registry > pull the image to any system > run the image as container

vi Dockerfile: 

FROM baseLayer:version
MAINTAINER xxx@xx.com
RUN install
CMD special commands/instructions

$ docker build -t imagename:tag .
$ docker tag 4a34imageidgfg43 punixxorwal07/image:tag
$ docker push punixxorwal07/image:tag
$ docker pull punixxorwal07/image:tag
$ docker run -it -p yourPort:imagePort punixxorwal07/image:tag

How to Upload/Push your image to a registry

after building your image (docker build -t imageName:tag .) do the following:

step1- login to your docker registry
$ docker login --username=punitporwal --email=punixxorwal@xxxx.com

list your images
$ docker images

step2- tag your image for registry
$ docker tag b9cc1bcac0fd reponame/punitporwal07/helloworld:0.1

step3- push your image to registry
$ docker push reponame/punitporwal07/helloworld:0.1

your image is now available and open for world, by default your images is public.

repeat the same step if you wish to do any changes in your docker image, make the changes, tag the new image, push it to you docker hub

Running your own image registry
$ docker pull registry/registry:2
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart always -v /registry:/var/lib/registry --name registry registry:2 
if its an insecure registry update registries.conf with entry of your insecure registry before pushing your image to it
$ sudo vi /etc/containers/registries.conf

Volumes in Docker

first of all create volume for your docker container using command

$ docker volume create myVolume
$ docker volume ls 
local               2f14a4803f8081a1af30c0d531c41684d756a9bcbfee3334ba4c33247fc90265
local               21d7149ec1b8fcdc2c6725f614ec3d2a5da5286139a6acc0896012b404188876
local               myVolume

there after use following way to use volume feature
we can define volumes in one container and same can be share across multiple containers

to define in container 1
$ docker run -it -v /volume1 --name voltainer centos /bin/bash

to call in another container from other container
$ docker run -it --volumes-from=voltainer centos /bin/bash

we can call Volumes in a container from Docker engine host
$ docker run -v /data:/data
$ docker run --volume mydata:/mnt/mqm


to define in a Dockerfile
VOLUME /data (but we cannot bind the volume from docker host to container via this, just docker run command can do this)


first of all stop the docker service
$ service docker stop
$ docker -d -l debug &
-d here is for daemon
-l log level
& to get our terminal back
$ vi /etc/default/docker/
add log-level
then restart docker deamon
$ service docker start
